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Dracula and Masdevallia

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Dracula and Masdevallia orchids, two extraordinary genera known for their unique and enchanting blooms.

With over 120 species, Dracula orchids are celebrated for their eerie, often bat-like flowers, adding a touch of gothic elegance to any collection.

Masdevallia orchids, boasting around 500 species, captivate with their vibrant colors and intricate triangular blooms, bringing a splash of tropical vibrancy to any setting.

Perfect for orchid enthusiasts and collectors, both genera thrive in cool, humid environments.
Explore our collection and discover the perfect Dracula and Masdevallia orchids to elevate your collection!

Active filters

Dracula amaliae

Dracula amaliae

Dracula gigas

Dracula gigas

Dracula gorgona

Dracula gorgona

LAST ITEMS LAST ITEMS Dracula radiosa 'Jago'
LAST ITEMS LAST ITEMS Dracula roezlii 'Cow Hollow'
LAST ITEMS LAST ITEMS Dracula roezlii 'Mefisto'
Dracula simia

Dracula simia

Dracula velutina

Dracula velutina

Dracula venefica

Dracula venefica

Dracula vespertilio
Dracula vlad-tepes
Dracula wallisii

Dracula wallisii

Masdevallia caloptera